The standard procedure in gymnastics is to teach progressive skills. Each child will only move onto the next stage of any skill when the coach is satisfied that they have the ability to do so.

We offer a variety of classes to boys who are aged between 6 and 17 years old. There are 2 sides to the Club and are both run by BG qualified coaches, who have qualified assistants. We encourage all children to enjoy the sport in a disciplined but friendly environment.

*All coaches and helpers are DBS checked.
The Recreational Squad

These gymnast will attend once a week and participate for fun and exercise. They have the opportunity of working towards our Club Grading System in order to try and obtain badges and certificates. They will still have the option to compete in our Annual Club Competition which is usually held in May. Some children may be selected to work towards the Wiltshire Grades Competition and be given an extra session.

The Competitive Squad

The more naturally talented gymnasts will be invited by the coaches to train several times a week and represent the Club in external competitions. They will be set training targets and routines and asked to practice exercises at home.

We are the only place in town that can offer the full 6 pieces of equipment, Rings, Pommel Horse, Parallel Bars, Hi-Bar, Vault and Floor. 

We try to take a new intake each term and invite children from the waiting list into the club, they will attend in a filter class for their relevant age group. During the term, the coach in charge will assess them and may recommend that they move across to another ability group if necessary.

We work on school terms and unless your coach informs you otherwise, we DO NOT STOP for Half Terms.

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